Behavior Consults

Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons cats are relinquished to shelters is behavior problems. House-soiling, inter-cat or human aggression, scratching… It is important to understand some of these behaviors like scratching, chewing and biting are actually normal behaviors of cats and kittens. Our cats just don’t know these behaviors are unacceptable to us.

From litter-box problems to something more serious like aggression, cats behaving badly is stressful. We understand the frustration these issues present and are here to help!

Common Behavior Problems

Cat with behavior problems.

A good behavior consult starts with identifying the underlying cause. To rule out a medical cause, a thorough physical exam and lab work is necessary. Often the first sign of illness in our feline friends is a behavior change. For example, cats with urinary tract infections, feline idiopathic cystitis, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease may urinate outside the litter box.

Next, we do an extensive history of your pets behavior and environment. Once we have pinpointed the underlying causes we will make a plan for change. Success requires teamwork, an open mind and a willingness of the entire family to implement the plan.

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